Tired Creating Content?

Let's bust some content creation myths!

This is Bye, Social Media!, a newsletter about how to build a solo and small business independent from algorithms.

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Happy Friday!

How do you feel about making content? It can be a can of worms to decide between how often to post, what to talk about, and how private you want to go in what you share.

This week, I invited somebody to the newsletter who can help you get more clear about making content as a solopreneur.

Amy Aitman is the COO of Venture 4th Media, an indie media company. She also helps solopreneurs with a bespoke content marketing service and writes the Content Forward newsletter.

Amy has been in content marketing in some form for almost two decades. I’m happy that she is sharing what she knows on the newsletter today.

Scroll down to bust some content myths and learn from Amy.


The Solopreneur's Guide to Smarter (Not Harder) Content Strategy

If you are a solopreneur, I feel you. I’ve been there. Wearing all the hats, burning myself out.

It’s exhausting.

You need to build your brand, get yourself out there, and try to find new customers. All good things. You look at your competitors with the glee of possibility. They are out there. Finding people on the internet. You can do this too, right?

You know you need a marketing plan that works, but what about execution? Can you create a sustainable content strategy to grow your business without wearing you down?

Yes. But, maybe not in the way you think…


Persistent Myths About Making Content

If you're a solopreneur, you've probably heard a lot of advice about content strategy. Some of it good, some of it... not so much. Let's debunk some of those myths and get to the heart of what truly matters in content creation.


Myth 1: Consistency is King

I’m really tired of hearing this advice. It means something different to everyone.

And, for the tired, drained-out solopreneur, it can feel like I have to do all the things, every day. Been there, done that. Spent precious vacation time with my family recording a video for socials or sending out another email.

Nobody can sustain that. And, the good news – you shouldn’t have to. What’s the point of churning out clockwork if it doesn’t resonate or provide value?

Before you think about your personal content strategy, I want you to give up the content conveyor belt myth right now.

Give your self permission to batch create content and choose a medium that feels most natural to you. Give yourself permission to not post every, single day as well. Authentic content trumps volume every day of the week.


Myth 2: Be Everywhere, All the Time

This is a fast track to burnout.

You don't need to be on every platform, especially not when you're just starting out.

Focus on where your audience hangs out and master that platform first. Once you've got that down, then consider branching out.


Myth 3: You Need a Blog

Blogs are great, but they're not the only form of content out there. Videos, podcasts, infographics, webinars... the list goes on.

Find the medium that suits your message and audience best. 

I love podcasts. They are rich for repurposing content for later uses. Getting interviewed on other podcasts is great! Not only can you use that content for your business, but you are getting in front of new audiences.


My two pieces of advice for solopreneurs just starting out:

  1. Get on some industry podcasts.

  2. Guest post.


Now, for some gold nuggets of advice:

1. Get used to the cringe factor.

Your first piece of content won't be perfect. Your first interview will also make you cringe. Many interviews after that will make you cringe.

Keep going. Content strategy starts with doing. Planning is great; it’s always good to go in with a strategy, but sometimes what we call ‘planning’ and ‘strategy’ is actually procrastination.

And, if you are reading all the content marketing blogs and books and trying to learn this stuff before you ‘do’ – stop it now.

Book learning is great, but you will only know what your audience will resonate with once you actually start producing.

You are the star, the expert, the founder of your business. You have something fresh, authentic and new to bring into this world. Do it.


2. Collect the receipts.

The best content strategy for your business starts with knowing your business inside and out. You must become a master collector of all the receipts for your business to build a real content strategy that will resonate.

Spend a few minutes today and try to answer these questions:

  • Who do you serve?

  • Where are your people?

  • Why do they buy from you?

  • What questions do they ask you?

Great content marketing is about asking the right questions and providing the right answers. Answers and solutions your audience is hungry for.

Gather this juicy information as you move, live, plan, and grow your business. All of this will help you ideate new ideas for content, discover the types of content your audience loves, and bring years of inspiration to you.


3. Share your behind-the-scenes journey.

Your audience doesn't just want polished, final products. They want to see the process, the struggles, the behind-the-scenes. Sharing your journey – the highs and the lows – makes you relatable and builds trust.

Today’s audience is just so hungry for authenticity. Let them see behind the curtain.

It’s easy to do while you build your business. Just let them in and hit record.


4. Repurpose. Recycle. Repeat yourself over and over again.

One piece of content can easily become many. We often think all content needs to be fresh and new before sending it into the world, but this is not the case.

People are not paying attention that closely.

We often have to say the same thing in many ways before it ‘hits’ and resonates. This is why I love repurposing as part of content strategy for solopreneurs.

If you have a little budget, this is also where you can hire a VA to help take your existing content (podcast interviews, emails, sales materials) and repurpose it into bite-sized content pieces for other platforms.



Content strategy for solopreneurs is a journey, not a destination. It's about learning, iterating, and growing. Of course, this is easier said than done, but if you want to grow your business, it’s a sustainable start!

So, ditch the myths, embrace the process, and remember that your unique voice and perspective are your biggest asset.

Stay inspired and keep creating.


Go deeper on content with Amy

If you want to learn more about content marketing, SEO and keep up with the trends in the content industry, Amy sends weekly-ish, deep dives in her Content Forward newsletter.

Read past issues and sign up here.


Let me know how what Amy wrote resonates. I especially agree with what she said about iterating and trying things out.

You can have the best strategy in the world. The best feedback and your most valuable insights will come from real-world doing.

Happy Marketing,

Johanna 📣

Other helpful things

I made a guide that walks you through every step of the way of creating a sustainable marketing plan. Get it at the button below.


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