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Learn what Bye, Social Media! does and if it's right for you.

Hi and welcome!

Johanna here, the founder of Bye, Social Media!. Let’s take a look around!

Read this to learn more about what I’m doing here and if you’re in the right place.

Get Started:
The Challenge of Social Media For Solopreneurs

Social media the way it is right now is a mess.

There are four key challenges for solopreneurs that make all the platforms a bad choice for marketing.

  1. Algorithms get in the way of communication with your audiences and buyers.

  2. You don’t own social media as a marketing channel.

  3. They warn you sense of self and how you think you need to show up online.

  4. They create ample room for BS or scammy content on solo business.

Major Takeaway For You:

From a strategic point of view, it’s a bad idea to depend on social media platforms to build your business. Lose access to your IG or TikTok and poof!, your livelihood and the work of months or years are in building an audience are gone.

Get Focused:
What Bye, Social Media! Can Do For You

I firmly believe that you don’t need social media to succeed. At best, socials are an OPTION in your business. You should never depend on them entirely.

To get you there, I offer free information, courses, and 1:1 support on Bye, Social Media!. I want to support you so you can:

  • understand the pros and cons of social media marketing

  • choose the right mix of marketing channels for a thriving and solid business

  • break out of the groupthink in online business and make decisions that serve you and your business (just because everyone is on IG doesn’t mean you have to be)

  • stop wasting time and money on crappy business advice and courses online

Whether you want to stay on socials or leave entirely is up to you. My intent is to give you the information you need to make an informed decision that suits you.

Get Clear:
Who Is This For?

This is for solopreneurs: everyone who runs a business by themselves or with the help of a tiny team like a VA. You might be a:

  • freelancer,

  • creator,

  • creative,

  • artist,

  • side-hustler,

  • or sell courses online.

If you’re a solo business owner, this is for you. If you own a small business, you will still benefit a lot from my work. Discuss this with your marketing person!

Get Smart:
Learn About the How and Why of Off-Socials Marketing.

If you’re new to the idea of marketing without social media, head to the Learn Section of the site for context on why I’m talking about what I’m talking about.

Here are some of the articles you can find there:

They’re a great start for your off-socials marketing journey.

Get To Know Me:
Who I Am And Why I Talk About This

I’m a solopreneur like you. I also hold a PhD where I researched the effects of social media and have an MBA.

The combination of all three of these things coupled with my failed attempts at marketing myself on socials (I’m not suited to be a LinkedIn thought leader ;) as well as wasting time and money on people online who sold BS business education motivated me to create Bye, Social Media! as a better, insightful alternative for solo business and creator education.

I talk from experience and books - and am happy to share with you what I’ve learnt.

Get Support:
I Offer These Marketing Services For You

  1. Create your own, custom-made marketing plan with the marketing plan guide.

  2. Get 1:1 support from me to solve your marketing problems or get feedback on your marketing plan with the “Show Me Your Work”-service.

  3. Get both of the above in a package deal and save yourself some money.

Thank you for being here! I’ve you’ve signed up for the newsletter I’m looking forward to being in your inbox.

Happy Marketing đź“Ł,


Johanna Renoth, MA, MBA
Founder, Bye, Social Media!


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